Rhyming Game with Sight Words

Here is a fun sight word learning activity! Like my Instagram and Facebook posts I made our own by: Grabbing two sheets of construction paper (different colors). Cut one in four long rectangles and the other paper cut two smaller rectangles. Cut a slot on the smaller rectangles so you can move the larger oneContinue reading “Rhyming Game with Sight Words”

Coin Recognition Matching Games

Learning money and coin value can be hard for your toddler. Here is a fun way to make it fun, exciting, hands on and most importantly not overwhelming. These games were a huge success in our home and I wanted to share the fun! I am not sure what age you’re supposed to learn aboutContinue reading “Coin Recognition Matching Games”

Let’s Talk Alphabets

Letters A – H Learning to right the alphabets can be a little challenging for your little one. Try to make it fun! Tracing is a great way to start. Here are a few free worksheets to start your little one with. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and keep up with all theContinue reading “Let’s Talk Alphabets”

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